CAN DO Refugees – Acciones para el empoderamiento
Guía para profesionales para apoyar el cambio social
This toolkit proposes a number of practical tools and innovative methods which will enhance your professional development in terms of knowledge, skills and competences. The wide range of materials that you will find - methodology, theoretical framework, trust-building exercises and main activities - were tested during two trainings which took place in Madrid, Spain, and in Marseille, France. On these occasions, trust, participation and empowerment have been, at the same time, core concepts and main drivers. In fact, while empowerment, which is intended both as the process of self-empowerment and as the professional support of people, have represented the ultimate objective of each workshop, their success and effectiveness have been entirely based on trust-relations and on the sincere engagement of each participant, whether a trainer or a trainee. The compilation is a result of contributions of all participants of these meetings. The Compilation ist alsso available in Greek, Spanish, Arabic and German.